by Rose Anne Montoya
“Gutom at Malnutrisyon, sama-sama nating wakasan,’’ the theme for the celebration of Nutrition Month 2013, headed by the SIHTM at SDCA, July 15.
An opening ceremony started the celebration, with a doxology led by Ms Jescynth Patrice Martinez and Mr. Allen Espanol lead on the singing of Philippine National Anthem. Mr. Melbert V. Animas delivered the opening remarks SIHTM Training and Linkages Coordinator. Mr. Mark Alger Caronan and Ms. Chloe Mae Miranda served as the Masters of the Ceremony during the opening event.
Various activities were done for this month long celebration, such as an on-the-spot poster making contest, the Nutritional Boodle Fight, Mix Masters Singles contest and The Mr. and Ms. Fit 2013. The activities aimed to raise awareness in the need of more action in addressing hunger, was to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in the Philippines. The theme used for this year’s Nutrition Month celebration was developed by the National Nutrition Council.