Time and Change
by Raguel Ross Dragon
Every second that passes, a soul ceases to exist. Although time is an undefined variable of life, it is a factor of change.
What is change? Change is when a young man grows old. Change is when a seedling becomes a giant tree. Change is time that passes by without a single warning. Every one of us is subject to change.
Nothing and no one is immune to the effects of time and the change it brings. Even the hardest of stone will be nothing but dust in the face of change. It is but an inevitable force no one has yet to challenge and win.
However, change is nothing but a judge brought by nature. Have we come to an instance of questioning the existence of change? Its existence, although fearsome, is a vital part of the continued presence of reality.
Imagine a world without change. Nothing would even be as it is now. Nothing would be created and nothing would be destroyed. Even the existence of the world would be questionable.
Change is there for a reason. There is no need to fear time and there is no need to fear change. There is just the option of acceptance. Keep in mind that change is what brought as all here on Earth. It is what brought everything to its current presence. Also, what is life without change?
Can you imagine staying as you are with all the flaws that you would like to change forever? Aren’t we striving to change for the better? Aren’t we hoping that everything will change for the benefit of everyone? Do you not think the world we are currently in should change? Change is important. So ask yourself, what is change to you? How is change important in your life?
It’s All Within You
by Jim Buenavista
So they all say, nothing ever stays the same.
Then isn’t it ironic that change is the only thing constant?
However that aside, what is the essence of change?
Change is a necessity; can we all really survive without changing at least even once in a while?
Everywhere, all the time, there is always a change happening. It rains and it shines. We go here, we go there, we were once young and innocent, now we have grown. We have changed.
Though some things also change for the worse, some rivers run dry, some lands turn barren, from great men to great villains.
And our lives nothing ever stays the same, at some point, we all have to go where we’ve never gone, and do what we’ve never done, it’s life, we just have to carry on.
Can we really define the essence of change? Who knows it could always just change wouldn’t it? Though maybe in a sense, it is we who are the essence of change, it is we who decide a major factor in the changes of the world; therefore our will is the essence of change.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
–Margaret Mead