Slow Down!
Ever heard of the song Inaudible Melodies by Jack Johnson? It’s that song where the chorus starts, “Slow down, everyone, you’re moving too fast.” It’s a song that has so much meaning into it that it can reflect to our society or even to any person in the entire world.
And even in this institution. Recently, the PACUCOA had formally recognized the SDCA’s Level 1 Accreditation through a certificate that has been given by the accrediting body. Not long from now, the school would aim on ‘leveling up’ that accreditation status. Who wouldn’t want the school to reach the third level of accreditation and eventually become a university? It’s a very nice idea, thinking that the dream of our school to become a university is drawing closer and closer. But after all those excitement and good news, we’ve come to think, “Whoa, there! Whoa! You need to, kinda, slow down a little bit.”
There are still things to improve in our school. Why attempt on moving to the next level? Won’t the qualifications for it be higher than that of the first level? Some of the curriculums in our offered courses must be organized and improved first. And it’s very prominent among students to say that they have an incompetent professor every semester. Some of the employees in the offices and departments are inefficient and they bring discontentment to anyone who requires their service. And, of course, the common silly lamentations of students regarding soap in the restrooms, water in the restrooms, whatever improvement that needs be in the restrooms, water in the drinking fountain, water dispensers, lack of rooms, and many other things that have already turned into clichés through time.